Clark Fulton Neighborhood Guide
Researching Clark Fulton neighborhood in Cleveland Ohio? Here is a complete guide with the most up to date information about Clark Fulton neighborhood!
ABOUT Clark Fulton
Clark-Fulton is a western neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio that has a rich history and all the benefits that come with modern, urban living.
Clark-Fulton has a population of a little over 11,000 residents, and this neighborhood’s residents come from a wide variety of walks of life. The neighborhood attracts many young families, and reports that Clark-Fulton is one of the best neighborhoods for young professionals in Cleveland.
Additionally, rates Clark-Fulton as one of Cleveland’s most diverse neighborhoods and also cites the neighborhood’s low cost of living as being an attractive factor.
Clark-Fulton has a low median home value compared with national averages, though housing prices in the neighborhood are typically about average for Cleveland. As for rental properties, this neighborhood’s average rent tracks lower than national averages.
Clark-Fulton has a suburban atmosphere, and residents are within short distance of multiple great restaurants, bars, parks, and other attractions that make living in Cleveland a great experience.
Clark-Fulton includes around 11,000 residents. 49% are female, and 51% are male.
22% of residents have some college education or an associate’s degree, and 6% of the population holds a bachelor’s degree. 2% of residents hold a master’s degree or higher.
51% of the neighborhood’s population identifies as Hispanic, and 32% of residents are White. 15% of the population is African American, and 1% of Clark-Fulton residents are biracial or multiracial.
The neighborhood’s reported median household income is $25K. 52% of residents make under $25K annually, while 22% make between $25K-$44K and 14% of residents make between $45K-$74K. From there, 12% of residents make over $75K annually.
Natural Disasters
Clark-Fulton is more prone to flooding than other neighborhoods that aren’t located as close to the Cuyahoga River. When the river floods, the neighborhood can also experience flooding. Some residents experience property damage as a result of the floods.
Tornadoes are another type of natural disaster that can affect the neighborhood. While most of the 19 tornadoes that Ohio experiences every year avoid Cleveland, there are a few that can hit the city. However, tornadoes are not a major concern in the neighborhood.
Besides extreme thunderstorms, blizzards and extreme snow storms cause the most problems for the residents of Clark-Fulton.
According to, roughly 50% of Clark-Fulton residents have estimated daily commute times of 20 minutes or less, which tracks as pretty convenient based on Ohio’s standards.
Interstate 90 and Interstate 490 can both be accessed just north of Clark-Fulton’s borders, and Interstate 71 curves around the neighborhood’s eastern and southern border as well. Interstate 77 can be found further south and east of the neighborhood.
It takes about 13 minutes to reach Lakewood by car from Clark-Fulton, and Downtown Cleveland is also a little over 10 minutes away from the neighborhood. It takes roughly the same amount of time to reach Burke Lakefront Airport from Clark-Fulton as well.
Crime Rate
Residents of Clark-Fulton experience more crime per 100,000 people than other nearby Cleveland neighborhoods. The neighborhood has a high average crime rate by Cleveland’s standards, and a much higher rate than in Ohio or in the US.
The majority of crimes are property crimes. The national average for property crimes is 2,200 per 100,000 while the average is 2,177 in Ohio and 4,412 in Cleveland. Clark-Fulton, on the other hand, has an average of 6,409. Most of these crimes are made up of burglary and theft.
SCHOOLS IN Clark Fulton
As a neighborhood of Cleveland, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District sees to the educational needs of students in Clark-Fulton. Additionally, this neighborhood’s residents have the option to attend multiple acclaimed private campuses both in Clark-Fulton and in nearby areas.
Considering that Cleveland is home to people of a wide range of socioeconomic statuses and ethnic backgrounds, it’s no surprise that this school district’s campuses are widely known for their diversity. The district’s average student-teacher ratio is 14 to 1, which is notably low and even more impressive considering that this district educates 40,000 students.
Cleveland MSD has about 70 campuses that educate grades K-8, and roughly 40 other campuses serve grades 9-12. reports that this school district’s campuses have excellent athletic programming, and schools typically have a range of student activities and extracurricular options.
Clark-Fulton students are also within short driving distance of religious campuses that rank well on a statewide level and other established private schools.
Real Estate
Clark Fulton Housing 2020 reports that the average real estate price in Clark-Fulton is $65K. That said, the price points of real estate in this neighborhood can widely vary. It typically takes about 40 days for a property to sell in this market.
To give an idea of the neighborhood’s real estate market, reports that about 1,200 properties in the neighborhood are valued under $50K. Another 1,230 pieces of real estate are priced between $50K-$100K, and 170 Clark-Fulton properties range between $100K-$150K.
From there, about 240 properties vary between $150K-$200K. More than 80 other properties in Clark-Fulton range between $200K-$250K. 120 other pieces of real estate are priced between $250K-$300K, and about 70 Clark-Fulton properties are worth between $500K-$750K.
Clark-Fulton is considered a seller’s market, seeing as more buyers are looking to make offers on properties in the neighborhood than there are homes listed for sale, so sellers can expect multiple offers.
Clark Fulton Homes for Sale reports that 63% of housing options in Clark-Fulton are rented residences, which means 37% of properties in the neighborhood are owner-occupied properties. Clark-Fulton’s vacancy rate is notably high and tracks around 19.7%. This number is notably higher than about 85% of other neighborhoods in the country.
The majority of housing options in the neighborhood are 1-2 bedroom apartments and 3-4 bedroom detached family homes. Actually, an estimated 50.7% of housing options in this neighborhood are apartment buildings, which is a higher percentage than 98.3% of residential areas across the country.
With this information in mind, finding attached residences and condominiums in Clark-Fulton can prove to be a difficult undertaking.
To give an idea of property age ranges, reports that the bulk of properties in Clark-Fulton were built after 1939, and specifically many properties were constructed between 1940-1969, as is expected with Cleveland neighborhoods.
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