Spring Branch Neighborhood Guide
Researching Spring Branch neighborhood in Houston Texas? Here is a complete guide with the most up to date information about Spring Branch neighborhood!
ABOUT Spring Branch
Spring Branch is a northwestern Houston district home to around 135,000 residents. This area is especially known for having a low cost of living, convenient daily commutes, and great local amenities.
One of Spring Branch’s attractive qualities is its affordability. This neighborhood’s rent trends are comparably lower than Houston’s averages, and the same can be said for median home values. Housing options in the area are varied, and there is almost an even split of rental properties and owner-occupied residences.
Spring Branch’s location is another decidedly convenient factor. The neighborhood offers fast access to outdoor spaces, shopping malls, restaurants, and additional venues. Spring Branch also includes multiple public and private campuses within its borders. Plus, residents can easily commute to other popular Houston districts.
Spring Branch is considered one of the best areas in the city for young professionals, but young families also are commonplace in this corner of Houston. In fact, 41% of households are families with children.
Overall, Spring Branch’s population tracks around 135,000.
16% of residents have some college education or hold an associate’s degree. An additional 13% of residents have a bachelor’s degree, while 9% of the population have earned a master’s degree or a higher degree.
Roughly 73% of Spring Branch residents are Hispanic or Latino, and 19% of the population is White. 4% of residents are Asian, 3% are African American, and 1% are biracial or multiracial.
The median household income tracks around $63K. An estimated 25% of residents earn less than $25K annually, while another 46% of residents earn between $25K-$75K. From there, 29% of residents earn over $75K annually.
Natural Disasters
Spring Branch is located in the central-west area of Houston, a region that is highly vulnerable to massive flooding, severe tropical storms, and hurricanes.
The neighborhood is among those that are hardest-hit during intense rainfall events. In the past, the neighborhood experienced above-average flooding that affected homes, streets, driveways, and public utilities.
The neighborhood is working on improving drainage and infrastructure systems to better mitigate the impacts of disasters and better respond to natural hazards.
Around 25% of residents report having 25 minute daily commutes. Meanwhile, another 40% of residents report daily travel times of 20 minutes or less. With this information in mind, commuting to and from the neighborhood can be seen as largely convenient.
Spring Branch residents can quickly access Interstate 10 south of the neighborhood. Additionally, Interstate 610 is found a short distance east of Spring Branch. The Sam Houston Tollway is also conveniently accessible west of the neighborhood.
It takes about 20 minutes to reach Downtown Houston or Houston’s Museum District from Spring Branch. For reference, it also takes roughly 20 minutes to reach Sugar Land by car from Spring Branch.
Crime Rate
Spring Branch is among the neighborhoods in Houston with crime rates that are slightly higher than the national averages.
Overall, the crime rate in the neighborhood is 2,823 per 100,000 residents. This rate is about 9% higher than the national average. Spring Branch is safer than about 61% of communities in Texas, and about 35% of communities in the U.S.
Violent crime rate in the area is about 490 per 100,000 residents. This rate is about 29% higher than the national average.
Property crime rate, meanwhile, is about 2,333 per 100,000 residents. This rate is about 6% higher than the national average.
One’s chances of being a victim of crime in Spring Branch is 1 in 36.
SCHOOLS IN Spring Branch
Spring Branch is served by 3 school districts, but mainly covered by Spring Branch Independent School District. Students living in select areas of Spring Branch are directed to attend Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District campuses or enroll in schools within the Houston Independent School District.
Spring Branch ISD educates around 35,000 students across grades pre-kindergarten-12. This district includes 26 elementary schools, 8 middle schools, and 4 high school campuses. The Texas Education Agency rates this school district as academically acceptable.
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District is rated as “exemplary” by the Texas Education Agency and educates an impressive 116,000 students. Cy-Fair ISD is a massive district that has 56 elementary campuses, 18 middle schools, 13 high schools, and 4 alternative facilities.
A small southwestern segment of Spring Branch is serviced by the Houston Independent School District, which has many academically acceptable and nearby campuses.
Additionally, Spring Branch provides students with ready access to excellent religious and nonreligious private educational institutions.
Real Estate
Spring Branch Housing 2020
The median property value in Spring Branch is $360K. Properties in this Houston neighborhood track around the same values of surrounding areas, although Spring Branch real estate does trend higher than Houston’s averages.
Specifically, about 1,300 pieces of Spring Branch real estate are priced under the $50K mark. From there, 730 properties range between $50K-$100K. Another 800 properties are worth between $100K-$200K, while 170 pieces of real estate range between $200K-$300K.
Another 170 properties vary between $300K-$400K, and 100 other properties fluctuate between $400K-$500K. An additional 130 properties vary between $500K-$1 million, and 360 properties are priced over the $1 million mark.
Considering that Spring Branch has a decidedly low vacancy rate, housing is in high demand in this part of Houston. Spring Branch’s real estate market is unique for having more newly built properties than 96% of other US neighborhoods. Additionally, the neighborhood has an attractive mix of rentals and owner-occupied residences.
Spring Branch Homes for Sale
42% of Spring Branch housing options are owner-occupied, and 58% of residences are rented. The neighborhood’s vacancy rate tracks around 3.8%, which is lower than that of 82% of other neighborhoods in the country.
Many Spring Branch Properties were built between 1940-1970, and an even higher number of residential options were constructed between 1971-1999. Following the turn of the 21st century, the neighborhood experienced a boom in construction. Specifically, over 800 new homes were built in Spring Branch following 2000.
A small fraction of residential options in this neighborhood have 1-2 bedroom layouts. It is more common for properties to have at least 3 bedrooms, and 4 bedroom properties are also prevalent. That said, larger properties are equally small in number to 1 bedroom residences.
The majority of the neighborhood’s housing options are single family homes, with apartment complexes and buildings being the second most prevalent type of residence. Comparably, condominiums and attached properties are rare in Spring Branch.
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