Strongsville Ohio City Guide

Researching Strongsville city? Here is a complete guide with the most up to date information about city of Strongsville OH!

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ABOUT Strongsville

Like the majority of areas in present-day Cuyahoga County, the land that later became known as Strongsville was first a part of the Connecticut Western Reserve. The first settlers arrived after the land was purchased, and the area was officially classified as a township on February 25, 1818.

Over 100 years later in 1923, the township became a village. When 1930 rolled around, only 1,349 residents lived within the village. In 1940, the city’s population increased by 64%, then 58% in 1950. After the population spike following World War II, the village officially became a city in 1961 and was then home to around 8,500 residents.

The city was named in honor of John Stoughton Strong, the original settles’ leader. As a nod to other important figures and landowners in Strongsville’s past, the main streets of the city are also named after other recognizable locals.

Today, around 44,850 residents call Strongsville home.

Of around 44,850 residents, 48.4% are male and 51.6% are female. As for age, the median resident age is 45.7 years.

Strongsville’s population is fairly diverse, with 87.4% of residents being white and 4.5% being of Asian descent. 3.0% are Hispanic, while 2.6% are black. 1.5% are biracial, and around 0.55% of other residents come from other backgrounds.

For residents who are over 25 years old, 44.6% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 17.3% have a graduate or professional degree. Only 3% of residents are unemployed.


Green Outdoor Areas
Solid Safety Ratings
Well-ranked Schools
Historic Venues
Varied Retail Options
Convenient Location
Educated Population
Involved City Government



One is likely to experience pleasant temperatures and little rainfall in Strongsville from June until September. Residents and tourists here make the most of the sunny days by going out for summer picnics, bike and hike trail challenges, and outdoor sports.

Strongsville receives more rain than most cities in Ohio. There is a lot of rain even during the driest months. The city has around 139 rainy days and an average yearly rainfall of 39 inches.

The warm season is from May to September, with average highs that are above 72°F but do not tend to exceed 83.5°F.

Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters

Strongsville is associated with a higher risk level of tornado activity than the country’s average and that of the majority of other Ohio cities.

In addition to tornadoes, Strongsville also has a record for being subjected to significant thunderstorms and hailstorms. Together, these serious weather events account for a sizable amount of property damages on an annual scale.

Strongsville is also no stranger to winter storms, ice storms, and significant snowfall. These events are known to cause roof damage and even collapses. The city is at risk of flooding caused by rainfall and flash flooding, but cities closer to Lake Erie’s shore have higher odds.


Commute Time

Strongsville Commute Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau
Commuter Transportation

Strongsville Commuter Travel Behavior

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

For residents who are 25 years of age and above, the mean commute is 25.8 minutes. With this number in mind, it is easy to see how local roadways contribute to making traveling throughout Cuyahoga County straightforward.

Interstate 71 and Interstate 80 intersect in Strongsville’s northeastern corner of the city just north of Mill Stream Run Reservation. Additionally, Pearl Road and Royalton Road intersect near Strongsville’s center. These roadways make travel throughout the area south of Cleveland fast and simple.

Specifically, it takes roughly half an hour to reach Cleveland, Ohio from Strongsville, and it’s around a 15 minute drive to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.

Crime Rate

Strongsville has a more preferable crime rate than 43% of other cities nationally. The violent crime rate per 1,000 residents is 0.29, while the property crime rate per 1,000 residents tracks around 14.40. Overall, Strongsville’s crime rate per 1,000 residents is 14.69.

The odds of experiencing a violent crime in Strongsville are 1 in 3,450, which is notably lower than Ohio’s statewide estimates. The chances of experiencing a property crime in Ohio are 1 in 46, and the same odds in Strongsville are 1 in 69.

Strongsville’s northern neighborhoods have higher crime rates, while neighborhoods east of Interstate 71 are typically more safe.

Local Government

Strongsville City Council consists of 7 members, and each of whom serve for a 4 year term. 4 members are ward representatives, and 3 members are elected at-large.

Council meetings are typically held on the first and third Monday of every month.

Strongsville Chamber of Commerce was first established back in 1941 and has since grown to become one of Ohio’s largest chambers.

This chamber focuses on providing its members with community involvement opportunities, events that inspire growth, and continued support so that local businesses can continue to thrive.

As the holder of the most influential office in the city, the mayor of Strongsville acts on behalf of the municipality’s best interests and supervises all city affairs.

The mayor is elected on an at-large basis to serve a single 4 year term, and residents are welcome to share feedback and advice with the mayor to further improve Strongsville.

city Limits


Strongsville Population 2020

Of Strongsville’s 45,000 residents, 51.6% are female and 48.4% are male. Most of the city’s residents are young professionals aged 35 to 54 years. An estimated 21% of the population, meanwhile, is aged 65 years and over.

The city’s population is still growing at a rate of 0.13% every year. Since the 2010 census, the population has increased by 0.88%.

Strongsville covers a 25-mile area with a population density of 1,821 people per square mile.

Population Quick Stats
Total Population
Annual Growth Rate
10 Year Growth Rate
Female Population
Male Population
Median Age

Strongsville Population Over Time

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Population By Year

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Population By Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Population By Age And Sex

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Diversity 2020

Strongsville is fairly more ethnically-diverse than most cities in Ohio. White residents still hold the majority at 90.7%. Asian residents make up 3.9% of the population, and African American residents account for 2.8%.

Many of the residents in Strongsville also have Italian, German, Polish, English, and Irish racial or ethnic backgrounds.

English is still the most commonly spoken language in the city. 2.5% speak Polish, Russian, or other Slavic languages and 2.3% of the city’s population speaks other Indo European languages.

3 Largest Ethnic Groups
3 Most Common Languages

Strongsville Race & Ethnic Diversity

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Ancestry (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Languages Spoken (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Foreign Born Population

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strongsville Education 2020

Strongsville’s residents are among the most educated in the United States.

Of residents who are 25 years and over, 18% finished graduate degrees, 46.8% hold bachelor’s degrees, and 7% have earned associate degrees.

More than 22,000 or 73% of adults in the city have a college education experience, with 19.6% earning a college degree. 96.7% of the adults in Strongsville are high school graduates.

Education Quick Stats
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
High School Graduates
Bachelor’s Degree Graduates
Graduate Or Professional Degree

Strongsville Educational Attainment Of Adults (25 Years And Over)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Level Of Education

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

SCHOOLS IN Strongsville

Strongsville City School District oversees to the education of almost 5,500 students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

With an average student-teacher ratio of 22 to 1, Strongsville City School District is ranked as #31 out of 608 school systems across Ohio by in terms of quality and excellence.

Based on measurable factors like state test scores, teacher qualifications, diversity numbers, college prep, and academic standing, has given Strongsville City School District an overall A grade.

Additionally, this school system has earned national acclaim as a “Best Community for Music Education” for several consecutive years, and multiple teachers have received Outstanding Educator Awards.

This district consists of a total of 8 campuses, which is broken down into 6 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school. The top rated campuses include Surrarrer Elementary School, Whitney Elementary School, Kinsner Elementary School, Strongsville Middle School, and Strongsville High School.


Out of all 6 K-5 elementary schools, the top rated campuses include Surrarrer Elementary, Whitney Elementary, and Kinsner Elementary. Surrarrer Elementary has a student-teacher ratio of 21 to 1 and high quality teachers. Meanwhile, Whitney Elementary has 390 students and solid state test scores. Kinsner Elementary has a student-teacher ratio of 23 to 1 and very impressive state test scores.
Strongsville Middle School is a 6-8 campus with over 1,300 students and a low student-teacher ratio of 19 to 1. This campus is in the top fraction of public middle schools in Ohio. East of Strongsville is North Royalton Middle School, a 5-8 campus that is ranked as #10 out of all public middle schools in Cuyahoga County.
Strongsville High School is ranked as #11 out of all public high schools in Cuyahoga County. This 9-12 campus has over 2,000 students, solid college prep opportunities, and a stellar academic record. North Royalton High School is east of the city. This campus has a great academic record and a lower student-teacher ratio of 20 to 1.
St. Joseph and John’s School is a pre-kindergarten through 8th grade campus. This private Catholic school has around 660 students and a student-teacher ratio of 20 to 1. Strongsville Montessori School is a pre-kindergarten through kindergarten campus. With only 20 students, the student-teacher ratio is about 15 to 1.

Real Estate

Strongsville Housing 2020

While Strongsville’s housing market doesn’t seem as expensive when compared on a national level, Strongsville’s real estate is among the most pricey in Ohio.

At 48.3%, the majority of real estate in Strongsville comes in at values between $118K and $235K. 33.6% of properties are worth between $235K and $352K, and 9.8% are priced from $352K and $470K. Even more expensive properties can be found in Strongsville, seeing as 2.8% of options are between $470K and $588K, and 1% of properties are valued between $588K and $881K. Additionally, there are homes in Strongsville worth over $1 million.

At 3.41%, the city’s real estate appreciation rates have been near the national average from October 2009 to October 2019. When compared with other statewide annual appreciation rates, Strongsville’s annual appreciation rate tends to be above 50% of other Ohio towns and cities.

Housing Quick Stats
Home Appreciation Rate
Median Home Value
Median Gross Rent
Home Ownership Rate
Tenant Occupied Rate

Strongsville Home Appreciation Rates

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Home Value

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Median Home Value

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Median Gross Rent

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Home Ownership

Strongsville Rent & Ownership

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Rent Vs Owner Occupied By Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Household Type

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Occupied & Vacant Number Of Homes And Apartments

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Property Taxes

Strongsville Property Taxes Range

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Homes for Sale

Of the 17,890 housing options in Strongsville, 80.3% are owner-occupied properties and 19.7% are rented. A whopping 79.4% are single-family homes. At 14.9%, the second most prevalent housing option in Strongsville is apartment complexes. Condominiums make up 4.9%, and small apartment buildings comprise the remaining 0.7%.

Because 37% of properties have 4 bedrooms and 33.8% of housing options have 3 bedrooms, larger residences make up the majority of options. Additionally, 3.7% of houses have 5 or more bedrooms. 18.1% are 2 bedroom residences, and 6.5% of properties have 1 bedroom.

As for age, the majority of homes in Strongsville have a few years under their belts. 67.9% were constructed between 1970 and 1999, and 18.2% were built from 1940 to 1969. Only 2.6% of homes were finished in 1939 or earlier years, and 11.3% of properties were constructed following the turn of the 21st century.

Homes For Sale Quick Stats
Median Home Value

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Strongsville Economy 2020

The leading industries in Strongsville include retail trade, education, and food services. More than 23,000 residents are helping to invigorate the city’s economy. Only 3% of adults here are unemployed.

White-collar workers comprise 86.4% of the working population and occupy positions in sales and management jobs.

The median household income is $87,264. The per capita income is $43,978, and the average salary of a resident is $81,424 per year.

The poverty rate in Strongsville nears 6%.

Economy Quick Stats
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Average Salary
Unemployment Rate
Overall Poverty Rate


Strongsville Median Household Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Per Capita Income

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Income Distribution

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Income Distribution By Gender In Common Jobs

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Income Distribution By Race And Ethnicity

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau


Strongsville Unemployment Rate

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Employment Distribution By Age

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Employment Industries (Top 10)

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Cost of Living

Strongsville’s estimated cost of living tracks as being 3.4% more affordable than the United States’ average. However, this city’s overall cost of living is 14% more costly than Ohio’s average, which positions Strongsville to be a more expensive city.

Notably, housing costs in Strongsville are estimated to be 36.5% more expensive than the statewide average. The median home cost in the city tracks around $225K, which is notably higher than Ohio’s average. That said, this number is close to the national average.

The city’s healthcare and utility expenses track as being more affordable than statewide trends. However, groceries and transportation have higher associated costs than expected in Ohio.


Strongsville Poverty By Age And Gender

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Strongsville Poverty By Race And Ethnicity

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Based on latest data from the US Census Bureau

Things to do

With around 2,400 acres of outdoor areas to explore, a range of local businesses, shopping opportunities, restaurant options, and more, there’s always something to do in Strongsville. Parks are everywhere and vary in terms of the amenities offered, including outdoor amphitheaters, horse-shoe pits, batting cages, sports fields, play structures, and other attractions. Mill Stream Run Reservation has a number of pet-friendly trails and horseback riding locations, on top of fishing, swimming, archery, and picnic areas. The Strongsville Recreation Center, local library, and community clubs are only some of the aspects of this city that make Strongsville vibrant. Strongsville’s retail options include recognizable chains and unique, locally-owned, and family-operated stores and shops. Restaurants and other nighttime venues make the fun last around-the-clock in Strongsville. Whether you’re looking for a way to pass the day, a venue to teach you something new, an escape from city living, or a great place to have a get together, Strongsville doesn’t disappoint.
Parks & Recreation
Strongsville includes around 2,400 acres of outdoor spaces waiting to be enjoyed. Among top local favorites include Mill Stream Run Reservation, which is part of Cleveland Metroparks. Gardenview Horticultural Park, Princess Ledges Nature Preserve, Strongsville Backyard Preserve, and Susan Hambley Nature Center are other favorites. Of course, you can’t forget to check out the Strongsville Recreation Center.
SouthPark Mall features recognizable chains and popular stores, and more businesses can be found outlining Pearl Road and Royalton Road. Apricot Lane Boutique, Wicked Sugar Fashion, On the Hunt Specialties, and Bleu Chic Boutique are just a few top-rated boutiques in Strongsville.
Art & Culture
Maggie & Ellie’s Pottery and Art Studio offers classes for visitors, and ArtWall and Remington’s Fine Art Gallery have a range of art on display. Strongsville Community Theater has a newly remodeled interior and a great performance space for local shows. The Pomeroy House was once a stop on the Underground Railroad, and Strongsville Historical Society offers more historical educational opportunities.
Night Life
Local nightlife destinations are often found alongside Pearl Road and Royalton Road. For live music and karaoke nights, visit the Strongsville Cafe. Molly McGhee’s and Slim and Chubby’s are local hangout spots with warm, welcoming atmospheres. Mulligan’s Bar & Grille is a family-owned late night bar with a solid menu.
The city’s restaurant scene includes Chinese, Mexican, Thai, Japanese, Italian, seafood, and BBQ options. Sweet Mango Thai Cuisine is a local hotspot, and Old Carolina Barbecue Company serves up great comfort food. Don’s Pomeroy House is a historic location, and the DC Pasta Company is a memorable date night destination.

Strongsville can be divided into a total of 30 neighborhoods.

An expensive part of town, Ledgewood was previously thought to be a premiere subdivision of northeast Ohio but is now the lowest-income neighborhood in Strongsville, seeing as the median household income in this area is $32K.

At the other extreme in terms of wealth distribution is the area south of Drake and east side of Pearl. Here, the median household income is $107K.

A close second is the area in Strongsville east of Prospects and south of Royalton Road, where the Woods of Strongsville and Waterford are found. In this area, the average income per household sits around $104K.

As for the most expensive real estate, the area within Prospect Road and Royalton Road has the highest median real estate price of $368K. Meanwhile, the neighborhoods between Pearl Road and W Sprague Road contain more affordable properties, seeing as the median real estate price is $181K.


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