Woodbury East Neighborhood Guide

Researching Woodbury East neighborhood in Irvine California? Here is a complete guide with the most up to date information about Woodbury East neighborhood!

Your Real Estate Expert
45 Reviews
Kristina Morales


ABOUT Woodbury East

Woodbury East is a new residential neighborhood to join the Irvine, California community. With neighborhood dating back to 2008, Woodbury East’s main construction was completed in 2011. The city of Irvine is well-known for its high quality of life, low crime rate, and exceptional school district. As a recently established addition to Irvine, Woodbury East contributes to this reputation by being home to friendly, hard working residents.

The majority of Woodbury East is made up of midsize, high-value homes with sleek apartment complexes and modern condominiums. Woodbury East, much like its next-door neighbor Woodbury, enjoys breathtaking curb appeal, beautiful outdoor spaces, and has home options for single families, apartment renters, and condominium seekers. As an ideal eastern central location in the city of Irvine, Woodbury East is right next to premier Orange County attractions and locations.

On the whole, Irvine, CA enjoys a unique blend of residents from a wide variety of cultures and nationalities. Woodbury East itself is home to a number of people from different walks of life who all share the same core values of community, diversity, and prosperity. Woodbridge East’s residents often take advantage of the neighborhood’s local and nearby natural and commercial attractions. Less than five minutes away, Woodbury offers Woodbury East’s residents convenient access to stores, shops, and retail options.

Meanwhile, Woodbury East’s eastern border of Orange County Great Park provides residents with some of Orange County’s best outdoor sights and activities. The median age of Woodbridge East’s residents sits around 40, and 70% of adults are college-educated. Because Woodbury East is a small village, the neighborhood is close-knit and provides a small-town atmosphere.


Great for families
Diverse community
Central location
Fast commutes
Safe neighborhood
Beautiful outdoor parks
Reputable local schools
Walkable area

Natural Disasters

Woodbury East residents would be wise to be on the lookout for conditions that give rise to supercell thunderstorms. For reference, about 20% of serious weather events that occurred between 1950 and 2010 were thunderstorms.

Critical droughts and extreme heat are known to affect the area during warmer months. Although Woodbury East’s location means wildfires are less likely to directly hit the neighborhood than more rural areas, emergency conditions may still arise.

The surrounding area has an earthquake index of 18.02, which is considerably higher than the U.S. index. Simply put, tremors occur more frequently in this part of California than many other residential areas nationwide.


Woodbury East makes daily commutes simple. The Eastern Transportation Corridor makes up Woodbury East’s eastern border. As a major toll road, this easy-access makes travel between the rest of Orange County a breeze. The Eastern Transportation Corridor links up with the Foothill Transportation Corridor only four minutes north of Woodbury East.

As an eastern central neighborhood in Irvine, CA, Woodbury East’s location allows for fast commute times between surrounding neighborhoods. Woodbury East’s location also has the benefit of being 11.6 miles away from the John Wayne Airport, one of the country’s most customer-friendly airports, thanks to Woodbury east’s access to the San Diego Freeway.

Crime Rate

Woodbury East has an impressively low overall crime rate that is roughly 60% below the national average and almost 20% under Irvine’s total crime rate. Also, the total crime rate in this area of California shows a steady annual decrease of about 4%.

Reported violent crimes in Woodbury East track around 90% below the national average. Additionally, the local property crime rate is about 53% below the country’s average.

Notably, the odds of experiencing a violent or property crime in this area of the city are about 1 in 94. For additional context, Woodbury East is considered to be safer than over 90% of California’s residential areas.


SCHOOLS IN Woodbury East

Irvine Unified School District has years of excellence in its past that promise years of future achievement. A total of twenty-two award-winning elementary schools, six middle schools, and six comprehensive high schools comprise IUSD. This public school system has been awarded the honor of being dubbed a California Distinguished School forty-eight times.

As a village of Irvine, Woodbury East offers its youngest residents the highest quality of education the state of California has to offer. With short commutes to nearby public and private schools, Woodbury East ensures students ready access to qualified teachers, supportive learning environments, and the best of modern education. The academic campuses surrounding Woodbury East promise to give each student comprehensive knowledge and applicable skills needed to set the foundations of a happy and bright future.


Woodbury Elementary School: Located at the center of Woodbury and only a five-ten minute drive away from Woodbury East, Woodbury Elementary School is a proud addition to Irvine Unified School District. Woodbury Elementary is known for its L.E.A.D approach to education: live our values, exhibit respect, act safely, and do your best. Cypress Elementary School: A ten-minute commute between Woodbridge East to the southwest leads to Cypress Elementary School. This campus emphasizes student safety, responsibility, readiness, and respect. Together, these core values lead to students making a positive difference in their lives and communities.
Jeffrey Trail Middle School: Since 2013, Jeffrey Trail Middle School has built up a reputation for a strong collaborative culture that supports both teachers and students. With an initiative to help each student be their best selves and continuously improve, this middle school is located only ten minutes away from Woodbury East in the neighboring Woodbury. With a focus on individual student improvement, Jeffrey Trail Middle School’s end goal of individual success is accomplished. Beacon Park: Servicing grades K-8, Beacon Park is a new school in the Orange County Great Park area. Ten minutes away from Woodbridge East, Beacon Park’s initiative revolves around compassion, collaboration, and innovation. With personalized learning environments and modern technology, Beacon Park seeks to meet each student’s individual needs and nurture lifelong learners.
Irvine High School: Irvine High School, a part of IUSD, is building its own reputation for excellence. The U.S. Department of Education gave Irvine High School the title of a Blue Ribbon School, and has been named a California Distinguished School twice in its recent history. With a student-teacher ratio of 30-7 with 1,968 students, Irvine High School is a highly ranked Californian and national campus. Portola High School: PHS was added to the Irvine Unified School District in the fall of 2016. With state-of-the-art facilities, multimedia resources, and ample room to grow, PHS is scheduled to add a new grade level for each successive year and will have 9-12 grades open for the 2019-2020 school year.
Great Foundations Montessori: Great Foundations Montessori seeks to give each child the individualized environment necessary for each to reach their full potential. Children between the ages of six weeks and six years are welcome at this educational facility where each will develop physically, emotionally, and socially. Pomegranate Tree Schoolhouse: Caring teachers, an in-depth educational program, and made-from-scratch food are only a few of Pomegranate Tree Schoolhouse’s personal qualities that set this campus apart. Located only five minutes away from Woodbury East in Orange County Great Park, this private institution services children aged 2-6 years. Crean Lutheran High School: Located five to ten minutes away from Woodbury East to the north, Crean Lutheran High School endows students with virtue and a passion for learning. As a Lutheran institution, this campus challenges students to excel academically, socially, and spiritually.

Real Estate

Woodbury East Housing 2020

As a nationally-ranked city known for being the best and safest place to raise a family in the United States of America, Irvine, CA has highly sought-after real estate options. As such, Woodbury East’s real estate market consists of high-value properties. Recent trends indicate residences on average are sold within fifty days of being listed on the market, and homes are typically purchased close to asking price.

The median sales price of residential properties in the Woodbridge East area is $700,000. Recent years indicated -3% year-over-year drop in median sales price, while research indicates a 2% rise in median rent per month with the average rent per month for the last three years being $3,250. Real estate in the Woodbury East area is highly-sought after due to its location in eastern central Irvine, CA and proximity to beautiful local and regional parks.

Woodbury East Homes for Sale

Woodbury East, a newly-constructed village of Irvine, California, consists of single family homes, condominiums, and apartment residential options. The majority of homes broke ground in 2008, and new construction wrapped up in 2011. The architecture consists of Spanish influences and modern Californian style. The neighborhood’s modern buildings ensure each Woodbury East property is a stylish, welcoming residential space.

Woodbury East homes of average lot size and three beds and two baths typically value between $480,000 and $930,000. Residences commonly are outfitted with convenient two-car garages and driveways. Apartment and condominium options are available with amenities consisting of access to swimming pools, fitness centers, and other luxury areas. As a community consisting of 530 units, Woodbury East offers residence a small-town atmosphere in the heart of California’s urban setting.

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Things to do

Woodbury East is a neighborhood situated near Orange County’s premier attractions, as well as a number of Irvine’s favorite destinations. Residents of Woodbury East can spend the day at Orange County Great Park, explore local malls, experiment with modern eateries, or take advantage of nearby putting greens. With the neighborhood’s prime location comes ready access to the surrounding neighborhoods of Woodbury East, as well as the city of Irvine at large, which makes for fast travel times, so more of the day can be spent enjoying the present. Locals enjoy spending time by the poolside, walking local trails, and chatting with others at the Woodbury Town Center. Whether the day promises a solo outing or family adventure, local attractions are just as diverse as they are engaging.
Explore Orange County Great Park
Approximately 1,300 acres makes up Orange County Great Park and offers a range of attractions for visitors. As a hub for Irvine’s sports, arts, and recreation, this location features hot air balloon rides, a carousel for the kids, reflecting ponds, sports fields, camping sites, and more.
Check Out Woodbury Town Center
The nearby neighborhood of Woodbury features a lovely town center just outside of Woodbury East’s southern border. Woodbury Town Center offers visitors a range of restaurants, shops, stores, and other attractions to peruse. Woodbury East’s residents are welcome to enjoy their friendly neighbors’ lively destination.
Trek Through Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park
Sprawling land, beautiful canyons, and signature rock formations abound in Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park, only a ten minute drive away from Woodbury East. With seventeen miles of equestrian, hiking, and biking trails, there’s always new sites to explore at this nearby landmark.
Relax at Irvine Spectrum Shopping Center
Fashion stores, contemporary eateries, and fun attractions make up the Irvine Spectrum Shopping Center, the city of Irvine’s favorite outdoor mall. Comedy clubs, virtual reality attractions, IMAX movie theaters, and the iconic Giant Wheel are only a handful of the many activities Irvine Spectrum Shopping Center offers visitors year-round. Woodbury East residents are only ten minutes away.
Learn at Old Town Irvine
This historical landmark lies just south of Woodbridge East. With picturesque buildings and architecture that makes each visitor feel as though they’ve walked through time, Old Town Irvine offers fine dining and shopping as well as opportunities to learn more about Irvine’s past. Located on a 125,000 acre ranch, historic structures including a grain storage warehouse, black smithery, hotel, and employee bungalow have been renovated to house a number of commercial businesses.
Stay Local at The Palm Club
Woodbury East offers its residents local entertainment and community involvement at the Palm Club, where elegance, athletics, and fun are offered for all ages. This location offers swim lessons at its pool, a tennis court, basketball area, and an open grassy area for a number of community events. Locals love the Palm Club’s welcoming and entertaining environment.
Play Golf at Oak Creek Golf Club and Driving Range
This golf club waits only a ten to fifteen minute drive from Woodbridge East. Each hole comes with lots of character, and ground keepers expertly maintain the property designed by award-winning architect Tom Fazio. With clean facilities, this golf club and driving range is well-reviewed and features scenic greens, beautiful lakes, and tapered fairways. In addition to being popular among golfers, the landscape also attracts a number of birds and fauna as well.
Enjoy Woodbury Community Park
Woodbury Community Park is a full-access public park, which means all residents are welcome to enjoy the two baseball diamonds, two basketball courts, soccer field, tot lots, and community center. Located right down the street from Woodbury East on Towngate, Woodbury Community Park is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.
Make a Day Trip to Limestone Canyon Regional Park
Forty minutes away from Woodbridge East lies the expansive Limestone Canyon. This nature reserve balances recreation and conservation, so that all can enjoy the natural wonders of this regional park for generations to come. Limestone Canyon Regional Park is a prime hiking destination and breath of fresh air.
Walk the Jeffrey Open Space Trail
Located in Woodbury, the Jeffrey Open Space Trail is a scenic, serene walking experience. This trail is a favorite of local dog owners for being pet-friendly, in addition to being picturesque enough for each photo to be frame-worthy. The trail is also well-lit at night, which means visitors can enjoy this outdoor route at all hours while being entirely safe and secure.
Experience Hangar 244
Located in Orange County Great Park, Hangar 244 is a community center in itself. Only ten minutes away from Woodbury East, Hangar 244 showcases World War I and II artifacts and history. Planes are on display for education and entertainment, and sports recreation and picnic areas are on location. A walkable historic timeline is located at the back of the facility, right behind the Great Park Carousel.


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