Hingetown Neighborhood Guide
Researching Hingetown neighborhood in Cleveland Ohio? Here is a complete guide with the most up to date information about Hingetown neighborhood!
ABOUT Hingetown
Hingetown is found within Ohio City, a neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio. Situated at the cross-section of Gordon Square Arts District, the Warehouse District, and Ohio City’s Market District, Hingetown attracts many young professionals, families, and liberal-leaning residents.
As a part of Ohio City, Hingetown has a population of about 10,000 residents. Like many other areas of Cleveland, Hingetown has a diverse population both ethnically speaking and in terms of economic status.
Hingetown is known for being within short distance of Lake Erie’s shore, multiple municipal parks, and multiple small shops and quirky stores. Residents frequent top rated restaurants, and this area is also known for historic locations, breweries, and its art scene.
Because of factors like Hingetown’s attractive location, convenient commute times, and its wide range of local attractions and entertainment options, Niche.com rates this residential area as being one of the best parts of Cleveland to live in, which is high praise that is well earned.
Hingetown, a part of Ohio City, has a population of around 10,000 residents.
25% of residents have some college education or have earned an associate’s degree. Another 17% of residents have a bachelor’s degree, and a reported 15% of residents have a master’s degree or higher.
41% of the neighborhood’s residents are White, and 35% of the population is African American. 18% of residents identify as Hispanic, and another 2% of the population is of Asian descent. About 5% of residents are biracial or multiracial.
The estimated median household income of this neighborhood is $38K. Specifically, 46% of residents make under $25K annually, and 30% make between $25K-$75K.
Natural Disasters
Hingetown’s surrounding area has an earthquake index of 0.59, which is less than half of the U.S. index. However, this number shows there is a considerably higher chance of experiencing earthquake activity here compared to other areas of Ohio.
Based on historic trends, Hingetown’s tornado index scores around 220, which is higher than Ohio’s index of 156.02 and the U.S. index of 136.45. This data means serious windstorms and tornado activity are commonplace.
Additionally, thunderstorms account for almost 2/3 of critical weather events that were recorded in the area between 1950 to 2010. Blizzards, hailstorms, and damaging winter weather are also worries for residents.
About 20% of residents report an average commute of 20 minutes, and about 30% of residents report shorter daily travel times. Additionally, another 50% of the neighborhood’s residents have commute times over the 25 minute mark.
Interstate 490 can be accessed south of Hingetown, and Interstate 90 runs east and south of the neighborhood. Detroit Avenue can be accessed on the neighborhood’s eastern side. W 25th Street, Carnegie Avenue, Fulton Road, and Cleveland Memorial Shoreway are several conveniently accessed and frequented local roadways.
It takes less than 10 minutes to reach Burke Lakefront Airport from Hingetown, and Downtown Cleveland is also about a 6 minute drive from the neighborhood.
Crime Rate
Hingetown’s crime rates track higher than the national average. For additional reference, the year-over-year crime rate in the area has shown a decrease of 16%.
Hingetown’s total crime rate per 100K people is estimated to be 5,113, which is under Cleveland’s estimate of 5,861, though higher than Ohio’s estimate of 2,457.
The violent crime rate per 100K residents is 1,265, which is under Cleveland’s average of 1,450. The property crime rate associated with Hingetown is also 3,849 per 100K residents, which is under Cleveland’s estimate of 4,412.
Northern and western parts of Hingetown tend to have lower crime rates than southern areas.
SCHOOLS IN Hingetown
Although Hingetown is a small residential area within Ohio City, Hingetown students are still within short commuting distance of great public and private schools.
Directed by the mayor of Cleveland, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District services the bulk of Cleveland students and educates around 40,000 students across the city’s neighborhoods. Spanning almost 80 square miles, this district is ranked as the 2nd largest school system in Ohio and is headed by a school board that actively takes steps to further improve the district.
Previously known as Cleveland Municipal School District, Cleveland MSD includes 68 pre-kindergarten-8 campuses and also has 39 9-12 high school campuses. To give a general idea of what to expect when considering this district’s campuses, Cleveland MSD schools are generally known for having diverse student populations, great athletic programming, respectable health and safety standings, and favorably rated teachers.
Students in Hingetown also are welcome to attend nearby religious campuses and other private institutions in surrounding areas.
Real Estate
Hingetown Housing 2020
Real estate in Hingetown can range quite a bit, seeing as many pieces of real estate fall well below national median values, while other properties are worth over $1 million.
City-Data.com reports 1,435 properties are worth under the $50K mark, while 1,350 other properties range between $50K-$100K. About 670 other pieces of real estate range between $150K-$250K, and around 100 other properties are worth between $250K-$300K. From there, 135 properties are worth between $300K-$400K, and 70 properties range between $400K-$500K.
Another 100 properties in this part of Cleveland are worth between $500K-$750K, while 40 properties are priced between $750K-$1 million, and another 315 properties are valued over $1 million. Altogether, this neighborhood has an estimated median real estate price of $302K.
Ohio City’s housing market is considered balanced, since there are equal amounts of active buyers and listed properties, so it can be surmised Hingetown is also a balanced market.
Hingetown Homes for Sale
Niche.com reports 76% of properties are rented residences, which indicates 24% of housing options are owner-occupied properties. This western Cleveland neighborhood has a high vacancy rate of 13.8%, which tracks above 71.2% of other residential areas in the country.
As one of Cleveland’s up and coming neighborhoods, many of the residential options in this part of the city were built after 1939, and another large percentage of properties were constructed between 1940-1969.
This neighborhood contains a large number of apartment complexes, and single family homes are also commonplace in this corner of Cleveland. Condominiums are not as prevalent, but can still be found.
Few residences were built after the turn of the 21st century, which indicates that the bulk of housing options in Hingetown are at least a few decades old. However, because Hingetown is ramping up efforts to keep up with the modern world, more new properties can be expected to become increasingly available in time.
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