South Collinwood Neighborhood Guide
Researching South Collinwood neighborhood in Cleveland Ohio? Here is a complete guide with the most up to date information about South Collinwood neighborhood!
ABOUT South Collinwood
South Collinwood is an eastern Cleveland neighborhood particularly known for its affordability, convenient location, and family-friendly community.
Around 50% of households in this neighborhood have children, and the median resident age is estimated at 36.4. Schools in this corner of Cleveland are respectable, and many fun attractions in the neighborhood are great for all ages.
South Collinwood has a suburban atmosphere, and many parks in the area give this neighborhood a refreshing feel. Also, commuting to and from South Collinwood is a simple undertaking thanks to nearby roadways.
Although South Collinwood doesn’t appear to be one of Clevleand’s most diverse neighborhoods at first glance, the neighborhood is a minority-majority part of the city. With low rent trends and affordable housing options, South Collinwood appeals to people from a range of socioeconomic statuses and walks of life.
With this information in mind, it’s easy to see how South Collinwood attracts many families and young professionals alike.
TOP South Collinwood HIGHLIGHTS
Natural Disasters
Based on historic trends and recorded events, this area of Ohio is especially susceptible to floods. South Collinwood residents are in close proximity to Lake Erie, and combined with high annual precipitation levels, there’s a high risk of flood conditions.
About 25% of recorded weather events that hit this area between 1950 and 2010 were critical hail storms. Also, about 50% of damaging weather events were thunderstorms and wind storms.
In this part of the country, supercell thunderstorms and weather moving in from Lake Erie may result in tornado activity. For reference, over 40 tornados recorded at magnitudes of 2 or higher hit this area between 1950 and 2010.
Almost 40% of residents in this area of Cleveland have estimated commute times of 20 minutes or less. Meanwhile, another 40% report daily travel times range between 25-35 minutes.
Interstate 90 can be quickly accessed just north of South Collinwood. Also, Interstate 271 is found east of the neighborhood and makes commuting around Cleveland relatively convenient.
St. Clair Avenue largely divides the neighborhood from North Collinwood. Euclid Avenue is another well-connected roadway that residents can reach a short distance south of the neighborhood.
For longer distance travel, Cuyahoga County Airport is roughly 6 miles east. Meanwhile, Downtown Cleveland is 8 miles southwest of South Collinwood.
Crime Rate
South Collinwood’s local crime rates are 42% over Cleveland’s average and 222% higher than the country’s average.
The local violent crime rate is 440% over the national average. While South Collinwood’s violent crime rate per 100K people tracks at 2,056, Cleveland’s same rate is 1,450 and Ohio’s rate is 280.
Property crime rates are 184% higher than the country’s average. The local property crime rate per 100K residents is 6,256. This higher than Cleveland’s rate of 4,412 and roughly triple Ohio’s rate.
South Collinwood residents have an estimated 1 in 13 chance of experiencing a crime. This neighborhood is considered safer than 11% of Ohio’s residential areas.
SCHOOLS IN South Collinwood
Public schools in South Collinwood are a part of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, which is one of the largest districts in Ohio. With over 40,000 students enrolled across its campuses, Cleveland MSD has one of the most ethnically and economically diverse student populations in the state.
Local public schools generally have average class sizes and student-teacher ratios of 15 to 1. State test scores indicate roughly 30% of students are proficient in reading and math, and gifted and talented programs are offered by Cleveland MSD schools. Also, the district’s athletics programs are well-rated, and various other student extracurricular activities are offered by schools.
Real Estate
South Collinwood Housing 2020
The estimated median property value in South Collinwood is about $53K, which is decidedly under the national average. On average, properties in the neighborhood sell after around 100 days.
Specifically, about 47% of properties in this Cleveland neighborhood are valued under $50K. From there, another 42% of South Collinwood real estate varies between $50K-$100K.
Meanwhile, 8% of properties in the neighborhood range more widely between $100K-$200K. About 1% of South Collinwood properties are even more expensive and vary between $200K-$400K. From there, an estimated 2% of real estate in this neighborhood is valued at $750K or higher.
The reported median price per square foot in South Collinwood is $26. Because there is usually an even mix of buyers and sellers in this real estate market, South Collinwood is considered a balanced market. Trends indicate that South Collinwood properties are typically sold for about 15% below asking price, with the sale-to-list price ratio being about 85%.
South Collinwood Homes for Sale
South Collinwood housing options are largely affordable and diverse. 40% of residences in the neighborhood are owner-occupied properties, and 60% of residences are rentals.
Because most residents live in rentals, rental prices are of note. To give general idea, the median monthly rent in South Collinwood is $740. At 83%, the vast majority of rentals in the neighborhood range between $500-$1,000 per month. Another 9% are more affordable and priced under $500 per month. About 8% of rentals range between $1,000-$1,500 per month.
For reference, attached properties are rare in this part of Cleveland. The majority of housing options are either family homes or apartment buildings.
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